Sometimes, we receive something precious: a word, a friendship, an opportunity, a vision, etc from the Lord in the form of a seed. Just like the parable of the sower, do we understand what we receive or we let the enemy steal it away? Do we let excitement blind us to the depth required to succeed in growing the seed? Or are we letting the issues of this life choke that seed? Are we going to truly nurture what we receive or will we trample it?
We must understand that every seed we receive must be put in the right environment/soil for germination. Thus, when a seed is given you, is your soil full of weeds, stones or does your soil lack moisture & depth? We owe it to ourselves that if when God gives us a seed and we become double-minded, have kept our soil untidy and left unbroken, we stand a large chance to abort it by the wayside where the enemy will gladly steal it. We owe it as stewards to be truly faithful and responsible to our soil conditions so we can truly be fruitful in all our endeavour.
One thing people forget is that persecution (the scorching sun) arises because of the word of God, the seed. When adversity comes, and challenges will come to either threaten the life of the seed or promote its manifestation. Meanwhile the harsh reality is that the sun’s heat and light are required in germination & photosynthesis. We must remember to tap into the depth (which is our ability to endure) of preparedness in our soil to ensure its survival. Will you forge through adversity or will you let it discourage you and take what God has put in your care?
The soil (our heart) is the seat of consciousness and is the habitat & nurturer for seeds. We are encouraged to guard our hearts with all diligence (carefulness). It is not anyone else’s but your sole responsibility to guard it. Do we let competing thoughts, ideas, and a lack of caretaking/desertion of post: like Adam yielded His authority to Satan & caused His garden to yield thorns? We must only permit thoughts and words that come from God to be planted in our gardens. We are the Lord’s Garden, we are co-farmers, we ourselves are expressions of His ideas He plants into this world to express His glory. Is your garden a fruitful bough or a deserted field?
In Paul’s words: I planted, Apollos watered, God gave increase. Sometimes the seeds we receive require that we understand teamwork and succession strategies. Sometimes, the seed/vision is for different people to nurture to full maturity. Our ability to discern the difference and value in those God sends to help us nurture our seeds can lead to an exponential increase. One will put a thousand to flight, but two shall put ten thousand away. We must discern individuals sent to help us, and to value their inputs rather than competing with them.
From John 12:24, we understand the multiplying power of a seed when it is allowed to die. Jesus identifies that until the seed dies, it abides alone. When we receive a seed (a word, vision, opportunity or relationship) from God, we must understand that allowing the seed to evolve given the right environment results in growth. If not put in proper context, the absence of a seed’s evolution & death will lead to the seed abiding alone.
Today, put a seed you receive from God into its proper context and see it evolve into something beautiful and multiplied.