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Afraid to do a new thing over failure & rejection

2 minutes, 12 seconds Read

Afraid to do something new? Afraid to fail? Trust me, you have what it takes to succeed. But, you must first accept failure as part of your process. Plan to succeed in whatever you do, but, factor in the possibilities of failure. Take out the pressures of outcome anxiety. The key to start a venture, learn a new skill, build a new relationship is to ensure you enjoy the process without being overly worried about the outcomes. Even if you fail to reach your desired goals, you learn what you did right & learn from the wrongs you did too. Those become invaluable assets to ensure better chances at success when you reassess and redeploy.

I have endured a fair bit of failure in my short life as I have a fair bit of success. Some of my darkest experiences with failure only existed because I self-programmed my paradigm with the unforgiving expectations of others. Others? You must understand that you, guided by God are the only masters of your path. When you begin to accept responsibility & examine how your actions will culminate in a particular destination, then when failure comes, it isn’t the expectations of others you get to be judged by, it is your strength to redirect & retool for a new approach that empowers you to seize action.

Fear Rejection? Jesus is known as the one who was rejected & despised by men. What did Jesus do about man’s approval or rejection? The bible says: *He did not commit himself to them, for he knew what was in man*. Humans are hardwired to be social beings & so we judge as we are also judged by the acceptable societal ideal. If we must succeed, to a large extent, it depends on how well we do in our interaction with society at large. If your business succeeded, it solved society’s problem which society deemed valuable. So how do we provide value to society without becoming controlled or paralyzed by it?

Understand who men are. Humans are generally shifty, greedy, selfish, unforgiving, self-satisfying & gravitate to what brings value to them. When men believed in Jesus after he did some miracles (John 2:23-25), he knew that men, being self-serving, would hail him for that. When we remove seeking man’s validation & approval from us, we can also remove their disapproval & contempt as well. And here lies the key to deleting the negative effects of Rejection whenever they occur in our lives. Be a high-value proposition individual whilst refusing to let the admiration & contempt of men affect your motivation. When we truly are selfless, then we are delivered from expectations.

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