Sometimes, we receive something precious: a word, a friendship, an opportunity, a vision, etc from the Lord in the form of a seed. Just like the parable of the sower, do we understand what we receive or we let the enemy steal it away? Do we let excitement blind us to the depth required to […]
Do you know why there are times when you feel unhappy or depressed? Your mind is focusing on what you don’t have, not what you do have. It is focusing on what you can’t control instead of what you can control. It is focusing on lack rather than what you already have in your hand. […]
Faith is bolstered by prayer because God works faith into us. We will be frail in other parts of our life but when God works His ability into you, that divine element cannot sin. That’s why John teaches us that he that is born of the word cannot sin, because HIS SEED REMAINS in him. […]
“Life is short” has become cliché for many of us. But, that is the truth in so many ways. Either we are closely affected by our experience of brevity in someone we closely know & love dearly or we get to face brevity ourselves when an occurrence threatens our expectations of a long or short […]
Afraid to do something new? Afraid to fail? Trust me, you have what it takes to succeed. But, you must first accept failure as part of your process. Plan to succeed in whatever you do, but, factor in the possibilities of failure. Take out the pressures of outcome anxiety. The key to start a venture, […]
Life if well experienced is a powerful memory of multiple adventures taken, not shyed away from. Adventures are the new experiences we get to participate in & carry with us in our memory of achievements. An advancement & progress in any area of our life is often tied to moments of undiscovered self-ability arising from […]