February is considered a month of Love and many new and old intimate relationships will plan to have a swell time this season. Here are a few pointers of discussion one may need to consider in starting a new intimate love relationship. A God-Ordained Purpose connection, Character and attraction are some three key factors in […]
The goal of true love is the development of maturity & godliness. And maturity is the required development state to fully & consistently express genuine love. One sign we will observe from the end times is that the love of many will grow cold especially as wickedness & iniquity increases. This is a call to […]
Keeping offences & score generally colours your perspective and outlook on relationships. Past Trauma, even unidentified by you, will colour your perspective of what genuine care is. Our subconscious minds will accept selfish behaviours from others as normal if you don’t allow old wounds to heal. A history of childhood abandonment will cause you to […]
Love can often be a path less desired If care and wisdom are not initially required Every spark of love in a tender heart Can be ignited without a key’s start Because love doesn’t want to be awoken before it so desires It builds a wall so high that the faint of heart tires Should […]